Friday, January 28, 2011

baked goods

I like to bake.  And I like to eat baked goods.  a lot.

Which probably actually explains a lot about me.

A lot of the time I feel like a sunny little 1950's housewife in the kitchen.  I've been at it for many years now and I've long since gotten over any lingering "a woman's place is where?" kind of feelings I might have had (not that I even remember feeling that way if I did, just saying).  Whatever options and choices are and should be available to women in this day and age, one of the options and choices I choose are to put together food that is as delicious as possible and feed it to my family.

(note to the curious: they're not overweight, "as delicious as possible and feed it to my family" isn't referring to any health compromising behaviors here)

This also something my family appreciates about me.  And I appreciate about them.

I've never read the various "Love Languages" books but I've heard enough about them to understand that my husband and my little Rose know love through baked goods.  And I love them.  Plus, as I mentioned, I love baking and baked goods.  Guess God knew what he was doing when he threw the three of us together.

Rose and I trying to shovel the snow
So yesterday, we got clobbered by another foot of snow.  Which wouldn't be so bad except that we are running out of places to put it.  Plus, I'm short and the banks on either side of the driveway are taller then me and taller than Rose who is taller than me.  Serious catapult with the snow-shovel action required.

My husband did most of the shoveling this time, but there was a lot of snow and his health isn't as good as it should be, so we did it in stages and Rose and I got several chances to perfect our catapult-snow-shovel form (fine form, believe me!).

And, in and out of all of this I baked.  Apple pie and baguettes to go with spaghetti and meatballs (yeah, I know baguettes are French and spaghetti isn't.  judge if you like but we were still happy).

Something magical (to me) about throwing on an apron and putting together warm and tasty food.  Feels vaguely goddess like, which I enjoy a lot, kind of a power trip, I guess.

Plus, after shoveling tons and tons and TONS of snow, the family was not disappointed to have the smells, feels and tastes of fresh baked goods to warm up the evening.

Mmmmmm.  Baked goods.

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